Noetic Health Institute
Arthur Smith, Ph.D., Director
(949) 257-2718

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Curriculum Vitae




Poster Presentation: “It’s About Time.” Abstract presented at the conference “Toward a Science of Consciousness” (Tucson, AZ, April 2008), published by the Journal of Consciousness Studies in their conference program.

“Outcomes of a Mind-Body Healing Program for Chronic Back Pain with No Distinct Structural Pathology: A Case Series of Patients Diagnosed and Treated as Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS),” (Co-authored with David Schechter, Stanley P. Azen, et al.), Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13(5) Sep/Oct 2007. PMID: 17900039. Full text online at:

“Back Pain as a Distraction Pain Syndrome (DPS): A Window to a Whole New Dynamic in Integrative Medicine,” (Co-authored with Schechter), Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, August 2005. Full text available online at:

“Long-term Outcome of Back Pain Treated by a Psychologically-based Program,” (Co-authored with Schechter), Psychosomatic Medicine [online version], 67(1): A-101, and presented at the 2005 meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, March 2005).

“HMOs Would Be Wise To Investigate Alternative Ways To Improve Health,” Managed Care, January 2004. PMID: 14763268. Full-text available at:

“Unsnarling the CAM-Knot: Myths, Misconceptions, and Recommendations about Science and Philosophy in Integrative Medicine,” Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, April 2004. Full text available online at:

“At Home Teaching Materials: Developing and Using Them In Your Practice” (Co-authored with David Schechter, MD), Practical Pain Management, May/June 2004. Full text online at:

“Towards a Sustainable Ontology of Faith,” Journal of the Society for the Study of Metaphysical Religion, Summer 1999. Full text online at:


Graduate Level Courses: Religion in America, World Religions, and Religious Science and Social Issues, The Philosophy of Personal Growth and Self-improvement (Ernest Holmes College Seminary, Los Angeles, CA)

Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Philosophy (Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA)

Continuing Education Seminars: Mind-body Medicine: The Latest Developments, Minding the Pain: Mind-body Interventions in Pain Management (Certified for continuing education credit by the California boards of Behavioral Science, Registered Nursing, and Licensed Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians)

Substitute Teaching in Public Schools (Orange Unified and Santa Ana Unified school districts)


Technical Support

Designed, set up, administered, supported and upgraded a Windows 2000 – 2003/XP network for an accounting firm, taking them through three consecutive tax seasons with zero down time. (Diversified Veterinary Management, Inc.)

Set up, managed, and provided in-house technical support for a computer-based graphic design and technical communications business for over 15 years, that designed logos, and produced ads, catalogs, brochures, fliers, full-length books, and video tapes, using both Windows and Macintosh computers in a networked environment. (dba RobinArt and Associates)

Provided telephone, e-mail, and on-site technical support for 2 years, for LaserFiche document imaging software, a multi-user, network-based, client-server system. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)

Provided telephone, remote, and on-site IT technical support for consumers and small businesses and professional offices for 3 years. (dba RobinArt and Associates)

Served as technical engineering support for sales staff in marketing multi-user, network-based, document imaging software for one year. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)

Built 4 personal computers from spare parts, running both Windows and Ubuntu Linux operating systems, all of which are still working after at least 1 year. (dba RobinArt and Associates)

Set up, manned, and managed trade show booths. (XOR Data Science, Inc., Compulink Management Center, Inc., and the Seligman Medical Institute)


Delivered MCSE certification training seminars throughout North America, using the Microsoft Official Curriculum, my own curriculum, and other curricula developed by sponsoring institutions, earning student evaluations averaging 9 on a 10-point scale. (CompuMaster, Learning Tree University, and various Microsoft CTECs)

Conducted classes on BASIC programming and PC operating systems. (Tandy/Radio Shack Computer Centers)

Developed and delivered a series of training seminars on Web technologies throughout North America, earning student evaluations averaging over 9 on a 10-point scale. (CompuMaster)

Developed and delivered a 1-day seminar on document imaging technology at multiple locations throughout the U.S. (Center for Advanced Professional Development)

Designed and developed a program for coaching MCSE students, using the Microsoft self-paced training curriculum, which delivered training comparable or better in quality to the Microsoft Official Curriculum at less than a quarter of the cost. (dba RobinArt and Associates)

Conducted classes on popular PC applications, including MS-Office and the Adobe Creative Suite for local computer training companies. (dba RobinArt and Associates)

Developed and taught a 1-week course on a popular spreadsheet program. (Tandy/Radio Shack Computer Centers)

Developed and delivered a nationwide series of marketing seminars for LaserFiche document imaging software, a multi-user, network-based, client-server system. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)

Scripted, produced, edited and acted as talent for over 30 hours of interactive video and audio training tapes for popular PC applications, using analog video editing systems. (XOR Data Science, Inc.)


Wrote and laid out 7 technical reference manuals and user guides for 3 versions LaserFiche document imaging software, a multi-user, network-based, client-server system. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)

Created comprehensive user and technical reference guides for a multi-user database application based on BASIC programming language. (XOR Data Science, Inc.)

Wrote a complete user guide for a software-based, airline maintenance system used by American Airlines. (Maxwell Data Systems, Inc.)

Converted printed software documentation to online Windows Help files and Web-based documentation, using Doc-to-Help, RoboHelp, and HTML editors. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)

Web Development

Designed and published Web sites, including one that received over 30,000 hits in a single year, using MS FrontPage, NetObjects Fusion, and the Adobe Creative Suite.

Designed a Web-based user interface for four e-libraries containing 150 – 250 complete, classic, literary works on CD and USB flash drives, using MS FrontPage and Word. (

Designed ads for 3 ebook collections that consistently appeared in the top 5 search results on, for the search strings “science fiction ebooks,” “mystery ebooks,” and “ebook library collection” respectively. (


Trained and supervised U.S. Census Bureau enumerators and address listers for the 2010 Census.

Managed a computer application training program for popular PC applications for one year. (Compulink Management Center, Inc.)


1987 – Present: Self-Employed, dba RobinArt & Associates and Noetic Health Institute

Clients include: Diversified Veterinary Management, Roseen Builders,, Compulink Management Center, CompuMaster, "C" Enterprises, Air Chem Systems, Center for Advanced Professional Development, Professional Learning Center, The Dublin Group, Maxwell Data Systems, Inacomp Computer Centers, Soft*Rite Multi-User Systems, SoftTrain, Learning Tree University, Executive 2000, California Learning Center, Chapman University, as well as individuals.

Spring/Summer, 2009 &2010: Crew Leader, U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census

2003 – 2007: Foundation Coordinator, Seligman Medical Institute (Non-profit research foundation studying psychological interventions for chronic pain)

1993 – 1997: Customer Education Specialist, Compulink Management Center, Inc., Torrance, CA.

1983 – 1987: Customer Education Specialist, XOR Data Science, Inc., Huntington Beach, CA.

1982 – 1983: Computer Instructor, Tandy/Radio Shack Computer Centers


Ph.D., religion – Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA., Dissertation Title: The Power of Thought to Heal (David Ray Griffin, Chair).

M.A., philosophy – Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA.,

Master of Public Administration – California State University at Sacramento, CA, Concentration in personnel management and labor relations.

B.A., philosophy – Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Certificate in Programming & Operations – Control Data Institute, Anaheim, CA.


Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE/NT 4, five of seven exams for Win 2K certification)

Windows 3.x – 2003 and 7, Active Directory, DHCP, DNS, IP addressing and routing, Microsoft Office 97 - 2007, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft FrontPage, RoboHelp and Doc-toHelp.

Macintosh Environment: OS 7 – X, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Suite.

Linux: Install OS and application packages, configure and network workstations, for Ubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSUSE distributions

Copyright© 2011 Arthur Preston Smith, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
Last modified: April 20, 2011